An Exploration of Lacquer
Phi Phi Oanh’s (@oanhphiphi) Lacquerscope 1 and 2 (Palimpsest A-F series)’ (2011-2015) comprises a series of pictorial installations exploring the haptic process of lacquer. Through Lacquerscope, her custom-made lacquer projection machines, Oanh dematerializes lacquer images, projecting them as shadows on suspended screens. This approach challenges traditional definitions, questioning the boundaries between painting and photography. Oanh’s unique methodology considers lacquer as a sculptural and conceptual form, celebrating its breathing body and the interplay of light and movement.
The work is on view at KADIST San Francisco through February 17 as part of ‘de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas’ curated by Yina Jiménez Suriel